Art by Joaquim Mutim

I’m a Brazilian creator exploring digital tools since the end of the 90s, the result is a trip to my inner world

Solana NFTs

myinongestanst” is minted as a 10/10 on Exchange

sike activation” is minted on Exchange

Ethereum NFTs

Going Inside” is minted with the new ethereum wallet on Foundation

Inner Tools” is a collection of animated GIFs with 15 of 777 minted on Foundation

in and out” is the first piece of my new Paradox collection minted on Foundation

“Flow Generators” collection

placeo” is the second Digital Sculpture editions in the “Flow Generators” collection

evolvere” is the first Digital Sculpture editions in the “Flow Generators” collection

Contribution to SuperRare MoCA Space

Stupefaction” is my genesis piece at the Museum of Crypto Art Space in SuperRare

Pixel Mandala Series

Pixel Mandala 002” is the second piece of the series created on PixelChain

Pixel Mandala 001” is the first piece of the series created on PixelChain

Abstract Beauty Series

Abstract Beauty #03” is the third piece of the series minted on Rarible

Abstract Beauty #02” is the second piece of the series minted on Rarible

Abstract Beauty #01” is the first piece of the series minted on Rarible

Non Serialized Ethereum NFTs

Pulsating Soul” editions pre-minted on OpenSea

Web of Life” minted on Foundation

Bird’s Temple” minted on OpenSea

Inside” minted on Foundation

Flash Mandala Series #03” minted on OpenSea

Purple Goddness” minted on Foundation

Deep Dive” minted on OpenSea

Higher Self” minted on OpenSea

Inner Fire” minted on Rarible

InnerSelf” minted on Rarible

Garden City” minted on Rarible

Connection” is my Genesis NFT minted on Rarible


M I R A G E / /” is a collab between Danil Pan and Joaquim Mutim minted on SuperRare

“#219” is collab a between Animatttic and Joaquim Mutim for Hedrons Collection minted on SuperRare

ANCIENT SUN” is a collab between Soundwaves Photon and Joaquim Mutim for “80 Collabs” Collection minted on OpenSea

The Ultimate Artist Collaboration 1” is a collab curated by Loopify and minted on Rarible

Tezos NFTs

Harmonic Assemblages” is a collection of animated 3D GLB sculptures on tezos with 25 pieces minted on the first round on Objkt

Transmutation” minted on Versum

Hypnotic Harmony” Digital Sculpture minted on hic et nunc

Opposite Rotation” minted on hic et nunc

Magick Objekt” minted on hic et nunc


My NFT Marketplaces: