Discover How Some Of The Biggest Digital Influencers Published My Videos (Real Proof Below)

Hi, I’m Joaquim Mutim and I work as video editor since 2012 but everything changed in January 2017 when some of the biggest digital influencers published my work as a video editor.

Everything began when Gary Vaynerchuk, one the biggest social media experts and bestseller author with more than 5 million followers across multiple networks, launched a campaign to publish the best video edits of his material by his fans. I did one video and it was one of the first that he published (check the original post with the video and my name below):

(Link )

After that I did a video for Lewis Howes, another powerful digital influencer who is also bestseller author and pro athlete. He liked the video so much that he published it in his official instagram account:

Ver essa foto no Instagram

Uma publicação compartilhada por Inspiration and Business (@lewishowes) em

(Link )

After that Lewis commissioned me to make some more videos, including two where he interviewed Tony Robbins:

Ver essa foto no Instagram

Uma publicação compartilhada por Inspiration and Business (@lewishowes) em

(Link )
Ver essa foto no Instagram

Uma publicação compartilhada por Inspiration and Business (@lewishowes) em

(Link ).

And this one:

Some other videos that I edited:

The recent demand for video with subtitles is growing fast because 85% of people are watching videos in smartphones with no sound (as reported by some Facebook accounts). I believe that this kind of video could be a great way to share your message in instagram, twitter and Facebook, if you are interested, send me an e-mail at